What to Do About The Rising Cost of Plywood Hoarding
Lumber prices have more than doubled in the last year with a single sheet of 4 x 8 ft plywood now costing more than $65* This record spike in the cost of plywood hoarding is largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has brought about a huge increase in home repair and renovations. While these inflated prices may be good news for lumber producers it’s not good for home builders and many others in the construction industry. Fortunately, when it comes to the cost of plywood hoarding, there is a solid alternative — Greenloc panels.
Greenloc construction hoarding panels provide many advantages to save you the rising cost of plywood hoarding; here are just a few:
BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT – Greenloc panels are made of recycled PVC and, with proper care, they can last ten years. Unlike plywood hoarding which can be used only once, Greenloc panels can be used at multiple sites before finally being recycled at the end of their life. Greenloc panels are a more sustainable form of hoarding and, unlike plywood sheets, they do not go to a landfill at the end of a single project.
QUICKER TO INSTALL – Not only does going with Greenloc hoarding protect you from the rising cost of plywood hoarding, Greenloc reusable hoarding is quicker and easier to install than plywood hoarding. Greenloc panels simply snap together. One installer can cover about 200 sq ft per hour with Greenloc panels which is much faster than installing plywood hoarding.
MORE SPACE FOR ADVERTISING – A sheet of plywood at 8 ft high can seriously hinder creativity when it comes to graphics and your messaging. Greenloc panels are 16.5 ft high and can be customized — taller or shorter– to suit your project exactly. Greenloc panels also enable eye-catching 3D advertisements.
GRAFFITI WIPES OFF! – Removing graffiti from plywood hoarding can be time-consuming and expensive. Greenloc panels have an optional coating that enables graffiti to be wiped away with nothing more than a wet squeegee.
PRICE PREDICTIBILITY – With the rising cost of plywood hoarding, there has never been a better time to invest in Greenloc panels. With Greenloc panels, you won’t be at the mercy of huge price increases and your costs can be more certain.
For help with hoarding graphics and hoarding printing contact our team of experts at Greenloc.
We make creating compelling advertising easy and seamless. Connect with our construction hoarding contractor using our online contact form or at info@greenloc.ca.