How to Reduce Your Construction Site Hoarding Costs
Construction hoarding acts as a billboard for the project and hides the busy construction site in the background. However, are you spending more than you should on your construction site hoarding? Recent innovations in construction hoarding are making it easier to reduce construction site hoarding costs while improving its overall quality, safety and appearance. In this article, we will discuss 4 ways to reduce your construction site hoarding costs by using environmental hoarding.
Construction hoarding is one of the most direct and cost efficient ways to advertise your projects, whether you are involved in various hi-rise construction projects or interior renovations.
4 Ways to Reduce Construction Hoarding Costs
Reduce your costs by reusing your hoarding.
Traditional drywall and plywood hoarding have a one-time use before ending up in the landfill, causing damage to the environment and taking away significant dollars from your budget. Environmental hoarding, on the other hand, can be used at multiple projects, due to its high corrosion resistance and long life span of approximately 10 years. This means that the hoarding costs get amortized with its second or third use, resulting in long term financial savings. To learn more about environmental hoarding, read our blog What is environmental hoarding? Everything you need to know about North America’s new temporary hoarding system.
Reduce your costs by decreasing labour hours.
Environmental hoarding is easily installed in a matter of hours. In fact, the average time to assemble 8 feet by 50 feet of hoarding is approximately 2 man hours of installation. This saves on the costly, labour intensive hours of work required for the installation of plywood or drywall construction hoarding. Saving up on labour costs can result in immediate financial savings which can be redirected to different areas of the project. To learn more about the differences between drywall, plywood and environmental hoarding, see our infographics Drywall Construction Hoarding versus Greenloc Environmental Hoarding and Plywood Construction Hoarding versus Greenloc Environmental Hoarding.
Reduce spending by reducing waste management and cleanup costs.
Disposal and cleanup costs of plywood and drywall hoarding involve hours of labour and a detailed waste management system. With environmental hoarding, the system is removed in a matter of hours and requires minimal cleanup afterwards. Instead of being disposed of after a one time use, the environmental hoarding panels are economically and efficiently stacked and stored until you are ready to use them again. Just like decreasing costly labour hours, investing less in waste management can result in immediate financial benefits.
Reduce your construction site hoarding spending by cutting back on repair costs.
In the unfortunate event of site accidents or vandalism, plywood and drywall hoarding repair can be costly and labour intensive. However, environmental hoarding panels can be replaced almost immediately by simply identifying the damaged panels, removing them and installing new, clean panels as a replacement. Replacing the panels takes less time, money and involves less management.
Ready to save money with Greenloc?
Reducing your construction site hoarding costs can be easily achieved by taking advantage of the latest materials, systems and innovations in the field of construction hoarding. Using environmental hoarding can result in immediate cost savings, such as reduced labour and materials costs and, not to mention, long term financial benefits by amortizing costs and reusing the construction hoarding at multiple sites.
To see how Greenloc Environmental Hoarding works, request a demo or call us to discuss how it can benefit your next project. Connect with us at