3 Things A Construction Manager Needs to Know About Plywood Hoarding
Plywood hoarding is used to enclose construction sites and protect the public from dangers such as falling objects, deep holes, and heavy construction equipment moving about. The standard size of plywood hoarding panels is 4ft by 8 ft.
In downtown neighbourhoods, where there are usually many developments underway, plywood hoardings are a common sight. Greenloc panels can improve the appearance and help with sound dampening.
Here are three key things a construction manager needs to know about construction hoarding:

Artwork produced by Monica Wickeler

SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT – Each panel of construction hoarding must be securely mounted to a structure such as a scaffold, or installed into the ground. If panels are not securely attached they are at risk of flying off during wind storms and injuring workers or passersby or causing property damage. Check your hoarding panels frequently to ensure they are secure and fix any loose panels as a matter of urgency.
IT’S A TERRIFIC MARKETING TOOL – Construction hoarding provides a blank canvass for promoting your development, displaying public art, and enhancing your brand. Be sure to optimize this powerful marketing tool by influencing prospects right where they live and work. With a bit of imagination and the right hoarding graphics, you can transform construction hoardings from being purely utilitarian and blah, to something extraordinary. Check out these three fabulous campaigns and get inspired for your next project!
CONSTRUCTION HOARDING CAN BE RE-USED – When it comes to construction hoarding you have a choice. If you wish to re-use your panels, choose Greenloc hoarding over plywood. Greenloc hoarding is made from recycled PVC and panels can be used numerous times. As well as being environmentally friendly, they deliver many other benefits including being lightweight, weather-resistant, and quick to install. As well, with Greenloc hoarding, you’re not restricted to the 4ft by 8ft dimensions of plywood panels. You can customize your hoarding height to accommodate endless creativity, including such things as eye-catching 3D graphics. For more about Greenloc click here.
For help with hoarding graphics and hoarding printing contact our team of experts at Greenloc.
If you are in the market for construction hoarding, let us help. We specialize in construction hoarding of all kinds. We make the process from design to delivery of your finished products quick and easy. Our in-house team of graphic artists can work with your artwork or create it for you. It’s easy to get started. Connect with us today at 905 857 1366 or info@greenloc.ca.