3 Reasons to Showcase Public Art on Construction Hoarding
Hoarding Artwork – The advantage of hoarding artwork for the community and the development is clear. Construction hoarding plays a vital role in ensuring site safety and promoting the coming development to the community, but what more can it do?
Did you know that it also provides an ideal foundation for showcasing public art?
Below, are three good reasons why you should consider displaying public art on the hoardings around your site.

HOARDING ARTWORK MAKES THE COMMUNITY MORE BEAUTIFUL. Construction hoarding provides a perfect blank canvas to display public art. It is a highly impactful way to help local artists get their work known. By allocating a portion of your hoarding to public art, you can transform it from being merely utilitarian to something beautiful and interesting. Promoting public art also demonstrates that you care about how your construction work impacts the community. This can influence people to feel more positively about your brand.
TO COMPLY WITH LOCAL BYLAWS. In many municipalities across Canada, local bylaws require developers to allocate a certain percentage of their hoarding to public art. Usually, this bylaw applies to all hoarding that sits on a public right of way. In Toronto, for example, at least 50 per cent of construction hoarding located on a public right of way must feature public art.
IT MAKES HOARDING LESS SUSCEPTIBLE TO GRAFFITI. As developers well know, hoarding is a frequent target for graffiti. However, the placement of public art on hoardings seems to act as a deterrent. Even so, there is a way to ensure your hoarding can be simply wiped down with a squeegee to remove graffiti — see here for more information.
My Lakeview Village in Mississauga is a good example of how public art can be used on hoarding.
If you’re not sure how to get started with placing art on your hoarding, we can help. Greenloc is an expert in construction sign printing of all types and can guide you every step of the way. Connect with us at 905.857.1366 or info@greenloc.ca and we’ll help get you started.