3 Reasons to Use Hoarding Marketing
Construction hoarding is a necessary part of your site, so how do you make the most of it? In this article we explain how to make the most of a necessary cost by including hoarding marketing for your development.
Here are three ways to maximize your hoarding investment with hoarding ads:

Advertise the Development – hoarding provides a blank canvas for your advertising messages enabling you to communicate the details of your project to the public. This is especially important when you are creating a building such as a condominium or a commercial development where it’s important to attract buyers or tenants. Just think about how many people pass by your site every day. These are locals, familiar with the community, who could well be interested in investing in your project. Ensure your advertisements are attractive and compelling, with clear details about how to connect for more information.
Promote the Developer – hoarding also provides an opportunity for developers to promote their brand. Here you can communicate what you stand for and what you create, such as luxury developments, high-quality projects, aspirational lifestyles, the use of sustainable resources, and more. Ensure all messaging is consistent across this and other platforms and that brand elements, such as your logo, font, and corporate colours appear as intended.
Integrate Social Media Efforts – marketing is most effective when it’s integrated across several platforms. Greenloc hoardings provide an ideal foundation to extend your social media efforts to the street. Here, you can echo your digital messaging and promote your social media account information and hashtags to track engagement with your campaign.
My Lakeview Village in Mississauga is a good example of how hoarding can be used for marketing.
Construction hoarding provides a golden opportunity to influence a valuable market right where they live and/or work. When done right, advertising on hoarding can be hugely impactful. When you consider that 70 per cent of our waking hours are spent outside the home*, investing in outdoor advertising certainly has its merits. At Greenloc, we can put your hoarding to work for you. Our talented graphic artists can work with your artwork, or create artwork for you and revise proofs until you’re satisfied. We can also ensure your hoarding is protected by coating it with an optional layer of anti-graffiti laminate. If you want to get the most from your hoarding connect with us at info@greenloc.ca and we’ll help get you started.
*Source: 64 Amazing Out of Home Advertising Stats (2019) | DASH TWO